Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Egyptian Project Grade 6 List of Ideas

Here is a list of topics we brainstormed for this project:

  • Hieroglyphics
  • pyramids
  • temples 
  • paintings
  • sculptures
  • gods and goddesses
  • Tut
  • Cleopatra
  • weapons
  • jewelry
  • clothing
  • Sphinx

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful to have a home to live in and food to eat. Not all of our friends and neighbors have been so lucky post-Sandy. One of the symbols of Thanksgiving is the Cornucopia, which means "Horn of Plenty". The cornucopia symbol goes all the way back to the ancient Romans. It was a way of expressing thanks for a good harvest. I think it is interesting how we use it to mean almost the same thing. To me, this symbol also reminds me to share with those who are in need. What does a cornucopia mean to you?

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Earth without Art

My Aunt sent me this picture. She found it in a magazine. I love how it reminds us that art is everywhere!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Telling Apart Types of Art: Genre

The Gleaners by Jean-François Millet, 1857
This painting, The Gleaners, is good example of a GENRE picture. A Genre picture tells a story of everyday life. In this case, Millet is telling the story of poor French peasants who had to pick up (glean) leftover grain from the ground in order to eat.
Mr. Millet used  REALISTIC style in his artwork.
This picture is courtesy of:

Monday, October 15, 2012

Time Line Post 2

Dear 6-B,
Our on-line project is located at . Please look over the demo... It is a site that allows you upload color versions of the information you have been researching in class. You will need to know the name of the object, dates, artist's names if applicable, and anything interesting that you have learned.. You need to send me an emailed permission to I can invite you in. For those students who sent their permission slips in,  I invited you using your parent approved email. You may start posting! FYI, dates for BC are listed as negative numbers. Also, I am having trouble making the you-tube embed  tab work. Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Time Line Project...Dream the Impossible Dream!

 6- B, Ms. Slate and I are teaming up to try something create our timeline, on-line, and with student collaboration. We found a web-based app called Time Rime. You will be able to add You-tube videos, pictures, and mp3 tracks to our timeline both at home and in school using your parent-approved email account. I've set up our site and we are ready to begin! 

I will need you ready to join me next Tuesday in the library lab. I need to invite you to participate by email. My project gmail account is: Please paste me into your contacts and send me an email from your parents giving you permission to work on-line.
Please DONT send your email address to this blog. :-)